If you need help, we have a list of frequently asked questions and answers. We strive to give you the best experience possible. Click a question below to view the answer.

Regular Daily Operating Hours
Tuesday - Fridays 11 AM - 5 PM
Saturdays 10 AM - 5 PM
Sunday and Monday - Closed

State Fair Operating Hours
Last Friday in September - Third Sunday in October
Open Seven Days a week from 10 AM - 7 PM

The African American Museum is open on the following holidays:
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
July 4th (Independence Day) open from 4:00-7:00 PM

Closed in observance of the following holidays:
President's Day
Memorial Day
Labor Day
Thanksgiving Day
Christmas Day
New Year's Day

For more information about visiting the Museum, please contact us by phone at 214-565-9026, ext. 328, via email at jjones@aamdallas.space or jabjones30@gmail.com, or visit our website at prototype.aamdallas.space.

The African American Museum, Dallas is located at 3536 Grand Avenue, Dallas, TX, in Historic Fair Park.

Please click the link for visitor maps for directions to the African American Museum, Dallas in Historic Fair Park http://prototype.aamdallas.space/visit-usvisit.

Please consult the following resources for information on public transportation in the Dallas/Ft. Worth Metropolitan area:

Yes. There is public parking available. Charges apply during the State Fair of Texas.

Retired and substitute teachers

Community Service Associations
Fraternity and Sorority members

Free Thinkers and the Young at Heart
Artists, Senior Citizens, and Business Owners

Spirtual Leaders
Pastors/Ministers, ect.

Professional and Civic Groups
Lawyers/Doctors/Veterans. Click here for more details.

For special exhibits each volunteer must complete a mandatory forty-five (45) minute orientation to the African American Museum’s (AAM) volunteer policies AND the historical background of the exhibit, i.e. the Jeffersonian Era and experiences of ante-bellum chattel slavery before conducting tours. For docents at-large there is a mandatory forty-five (45) minute orientation to the African American Museum’s (AAM) volunteer policies.

The 45 minute training sessions are available Monday-Friday from 11 AM to 12 Noon starting October 22, 2018 to December 31, 2018.

Docents may donate as many hours as they like for tours. The museum asks for commitments of 1 hour increments between 10am-4pm.

Museum's docents have a positive attitude that share a focus to make HISTORY COME ALIVE for our tour group members. It makes an impression on the youth to interact with docents from a variety of backgrounds and various ages. Click here for more details.

No, please do not bring historic objects or artwork to the Museum at any time. We receive on a weekly basis numerous offers of historical and art collections for the Museum to consider and unfortunately we cannot give these offers the attention they deserve. Therefore, the Museum is requesting that potential donors contact Jane Jones via at 214-565-9026, ext. 328 or via email at jjones@aamdallas.space or jabjones30@gmail.com to be considered for proposed collection donations. A collection donation form will be emailed to you to fill out and return.

Please contact Carless Talton at 214-565-9026, ext. 305 or via email at ctalton@aamdallas.space for instructions on how to participate.

Be a part of the African American Museum, Dallas by becoming a member, renewing your membership, giving a gift membership or by joining our monthly giving sustainer program. Individuals, foundations, corporations, and other organizations can also support the Museum by donating online, giving a gift in memory or in honor of, and by mail.

For more information about visiting the Museum, please contact us by phone at 214-565-9026, ext. 328, via email at jjones@aamdallas.space or jabjones30@gmail.com, or visit our website at prototype.aamdallas.space.